Aim cavity closer It also significantly reduces flanking sound transmission within masonry wall cavities adjacent to separating floors. The AIM Horizontal Fire Closer consists of semi-rigid Rockwool stone wool insulation laminated with a polythene DPC. It also significantly reduces flanking sound transmission within external wall cavities. The AIM Cavity Closer will accommodate movement in the building and allow for any irregularities in the cavity. The AIM Cavity Fire Closers have been designed to close cavities for fire, thermal and acoustic purposes; it reduces cold bridging when closing cavities at door and window frames. The AIM Cavity Closer system has been designed to close a variety of cavities for fire, thermal and acoustic purposes; it reduces cold bridging when closing cavities at door and window frames. The primary use of a cavity fire closer is to stop fire escaping from or entering into the external wall cavity around openings in the building envelope. The AIM Horizontal Fire Closer has been designed to provide up to two hours resistance to the spread of fire within a cavity that is adjacent to separating floors within multi story buildings. The AIM Horizontal Cavity Closer is designed to provide at least 2 hours resistance to the spread of fire past separating floors. It is engineered to offer up to two hours of fire resistance in cavities adjacent to separating floors in multi-story buildings. . The AIM Cavity Closer system has been designed to close a variety of cavities for fire, thermal and acoustic purposes; it reduces cold bridging when closing cavities at door and window frames. AIM’s products are underpinned by extensive fire testing and have proven fire performance. Our fire stopping products provide passive fire protection for many fire barrier and cavity closer applications, offering up to 2 hours of fire resistance. You can search 5 Cavity Closers from AIM - Acoustic and Insulation Manufacturing - view range here.
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